Holding tav

National Superior Builder At The 4th International Conference On Structural Engineering

Leading Holding In The 4th International Conference Of Holdings And Corporate Group

Tav R&D center

Technology and industry are moving ahead so fast and being inactive means gradual death. Continuous changes of technology, presence of competitors and up to date Knowledge of customers’ taste proves the need for research and development.

This institution gives strategic advice to Tav Complex. Following are some aims of this institution:

Research on systems, knowledge and modern technology for development of new and valuable services.

Research on holding activities for betterment of performance with the aim of acceleration of investment payback.

Studying and research on the relationships of humans, city, building and nature to gain utopia and build green and organic buildings.

  • Research and data collection for architecture design based onIranian architecture.
  • Research on the needs snd ideas of people in the field of architecture and its combination with architecture design.
  • Being in contact with universities and scientific centers.
  • Being in contact with credible brands in the field of building industry.
  • Writing and compilation of books in the field of management and building.


    Unit 1 Office - No. 18 - 1st Street - Saadat Abad - Tehran - Iran





